At ASPECT Studios we care for our people, and we care about fairness and equity. These principles are integral to our purpose and guide our daily operations.
According to WGEA calculations, the pay gap within the practice was below the national average. While we recognise the gender pay gap as calculated by WGEA, we do not believe it captures what is happening at ASPECT Studios in its entirety.
Currently, 53% of our team members are women, with 60% representation on our Board. An imbalance in senior positions, where men are more numerous, drives the pay gap. We undertake our own internal analysis each year, which indicates a minimal gender pay gap in lower and middle levels, but disparities (up to 8%) in some senior roles.
We conduct annual salary audits and review pay parity for team members and all new hires. Importantly, our decision-making processes prioritise equality, offering salary increases without request to address internal inequalities. We actively consult with teams globally to enhance our practices and bridge gaps.
The practice also offers other policies to help improve equality. Our successful parental leave program offers up to 10 weeks' pay to all new parents regardless of gender. We provide flexible working arrangements to support our team and we avoid fixed term contracts for team members, offering permanency from day one.
We acknowledge there are areas for improvement and our focus remains on overall diversity and inclusion, recognising that gender pay gaps aren’t the only measure of workplace inequality.
We are committed to continuous improvement, asking tough questions of our leadership, and fostering an inclusive culture.