An Associate Landscape Architect at ASPECT Studios in Sydney, Luna works to create meaningful spaces that foster public life. With her passionate approach and strong skillset, Luna is a valued member of the Sydney studio.
Luna’s practice involves paying respect to the people, history and culture relevant to a project. She has been exposed to a wide range of projects, including mixed-use development, public domain, civic, educational and play spaces. This diversity of experience helps her to appreciate the value of good quality public space.
Since 2020, Luna has played a key role in The Ribbon project at Darling Harbour, which features a bespoke play structure. Overcoming the extreme complexity of the prominent site, Luna and the team have been committed to delivering an exciting and joyful play space for children.
Luna was also project lead for Berry Square in North Sydney. Comprising an upgrade from a tired, post-modern square, the newly transformed public space offers a welcoming, sun-drenched area for local residents and workers, with lush planting, warm materials and ample seating.