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Melbourne's Greenline Project enters community engagement phase

Date: 4月 20, 2023
Category: New Projects
The City of Melbourne's Greenline Project is a long-term project that is set to transform Melbourne's riverbank by creating 450m of boardwalk and a 6m-wide promenade, connecting native habitats along the Yarra River.

In a recent announcement, The City of Melbourne revealed the commencement of their public engagement process for the first stage of the Master Plan for the Project.

Collecting and weighing stakeholder and community feedback will be critical to the planning process because people's needs, wants and expectations are a primary consideration in shaping future Greenline development. This feedback will also be a key component in informing the Master Plan, as it will be used to guide investment and implementation activities over the next several years.

ASPECT Studios Greenline Tree Canopy Walk

The City of Melbourne along with ASPECT Studios X T.C.L have planned a series of workshops, gatherings, and information pop-ups which will be open to the public to share their thoughts on a series of proposed experiences at key locations along the Greenline.

At a number of locations along the trail, participants will be invited to share their thoughts on these proposed experiences and offer suggestions for how these could be developed and implemented; allowing participants an opportunity to become insiders in developing this new urban space.

ASPECT Studios Greenline Banana Alley

The outcomes of the engagement process are key in understanding how the public currently interact with the space and in developing a shared vision with the broader community, stakeholders, and partners.

Greenline 2
This project will make a big difference to Melbourne City and what it looks like in years to come by transforming one of the city's largest underutilised industrial areas into a vibrant, connected network of parkland for the community and visitors to enjoy.

ASPECT Studios X T.C.L are looking forward to working with the wider community of Melbourne on this next phase. We encourage you to share your thoughts and learn more about this project by following the link here.