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Justs Road, Aldinga Beach Master Plan

A collaborative, client-led and Country-centred design process resulted in the creation of a master plan for this world-class tourism facility in Aldinga, South Australia.

ASPECT Studios was invited by Southern Cultural Immersion; to prepare a master plan for a cultural education, events, and tourism center in Aldinga Beach. The organisation is owned and operated by Corey Turner, a Kaurna man and Traditional Owner.
  • CLIENT Southern Cultural Immersion
  • LOCATION Aldinga Beach, South Australia
  • YEAR 2023
Concept Plan active
Together we developed a shared vision for a facility through which visitors could engage with Country through immersive cultural experiences, set in a landscape that represents the diversity of South Australian plants, integrated with the adjacent Aldinga Beach Conservation Park.

Our process commenced with walking on Country, experiencing Country and reflecting on the wealth of cultural knowledge that was shared with us.

A unique aspect of our approach involved the creation of artwork that reflected this experience, which would influence the development of the master plan. These sketches capture natural elements, cultural practices, and the spiritual connection of the Kaurna People with Country. Themes such as water, wind, bird migration, the Possum Dreaming, traditional camping, and gathering practices, along with the significance of ochre in Kaurna culture, are represented by various design elements. The initial sketches informed the final artwork, intended to be displayed in the cultural centre, which represents the visual narrative of the site's redevelopment.
Narrative 01 bird migration
The subsequent phase challenged us to translate this artwork into a master plan that not only aligned with the functional requirements of the brief but was also guided by our experiences on Country.

A deep understanding of the site, it’s layers of meaning, and a strong narrative, overlaid with the functional requirements of the brief, resulted in a master plan that will deliver an outcome that is first and foremost embedded in Country.
  • ARTWORK Akea Turner