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Foreshore Parks

The design of the Foreshore Parks is a Celebration of the City’s history and a defining moment in the evolution of the Corniche and its role in the City’s physical, social and cultural identity.
A city wide initiative has created for these parks the real prospect of capitalising on the city’s natural assets by connecting the city with its extensive public parks, to unlock the potential of the Corniche waterfront to become a truly connected and integrated part of the city.
The design acknowledges the existing conditions and recognises the associated urban design challenges by responding with clear and bold interventions to create a word class public realm offering a sequence of unified and cohesive green spaces that embody the principles of connectivity, wellbeing and inclusiveness.
  • TEAM ASPECT Studios, Aurecon, Insite
  • LOCATION United Arab Emirates
  • YEAR 2019
The design of the parks and gardens underscores the critical role green spaces have within the social and recreational rituals of the city’s population and augments this by building upon the site’s history, patterns of use and future aspirations, to allow the diversity of the city and its people to play out at an individual and collective level.
The ambition for the Parks is to create a sustainable, playful and life enhancing landscape that will provide a rich variety of spaces in which people can come together to experience, play, learn, and connect.
ASPECT DXB Foreshore Park 02